Our Bronze Screen provides a full overview of your health following recovery from Covid-19, including testing to determine blood cell levels, bone health, liver and heart muscle functioning, in addition to general kidney health and an analysis of your Glucose, Triglyceride and Cholesterol levels.

This combination of tests will evaluate your general health and also your Innate and Adaptive immune systems, which are both involved in fighting off a Covid-19 virus infection.


Which tests are included in the Bronze Screen?

  • Covid-19 IgG Antibody Test – to determine whether your Adaptive immune system has produced antibodies to combat Covid-19.
  • Haematology - to determine how well your Innate immune system has managed with your Covid-19 infection. These tests examine levels of red blood cells, platelets and the five types of white blood cells in your body (Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils), which are markers of your Innate immune system and current health.
  • Biochemistry Urea, Creatinine and eGFR – to determine kidney and liver health and how well waste products and excess fluid are removed from the body. It is known that infection with Covid-19 can lead to kidney and liver damage. Urea is a chemical produced as the end-product of protein metabolism. Creatinine is a by-product of the normal breakdown of muscle tissue. It is an excellent marker for kidney function as it is normally filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in urine. Your Glomerular Filtration Rate is a measure of how much blood is passing through the glomeruli in your kidneys, which are tiny filters responsible for extracting waste materials from your blood.
  • Liver Function Tests – to determine liver health and how well it is functioning to filter your blood, eliminate toxins, aid digestion and store vitamins in the body. Some patients with Covid-19 infection show elevated liver enzymes such as ALT, ALP and Gamma GT. It is important to understand if anyCovid-19 infection has affected your liver.
  • Cardiac/Muscle Enzymes – to determine the health of heart muscle and to identify any tissue damage which could indicate a progressive health condition. Covid-19 and your adaptive immune system can, under certain circumstances, affect muscle tissue.
  • Bone Markers – to evaluate bone health, resorption and formation as an indicator of overall health (Calcium, Phosphate, Uric Acid)
  • Additional Tests – three further important health tests for Glucose, Triglycerides and Cholesterol will also be performed
  • Telephone consultation with a doctor to review your results.


Which samples are required?

This screen requires a blood sample.

How will I receive my results?

The blood sample collected for your tests will be sent to our laboratory for analysis. Your results will be ready within two working days upon receipt of your sample at the lab. You will receive a telephone call from a doctor to discuss your results.

How do I book my Bronze Screen?

Your Bronze Screen can be booked online or by calling our Advisors on the number at the top of the page.